Artist’s Statement
I have always worked in series. When I stumble upon a subject for one painting it invariably means dozens of paintings and months of work exploring that one idea and its ramifications. In the paintings shown here there are several distinct sets of works, each set building on the preceding one but each with its […]
So just what was the recipe for the Curb Cuts? Sometimes the artist is coy, evasive or inscrutable: mixed media, mixed technique, détrempe. And sometimes he is all too frank: the artist’s blood, his urine, elephant dung. An old friend always claimed to use only monkey-nut oil. No such thing. Chefs play the same game, […]
Alexander Stille on Cornices
For those who have followed his career from the beginning, Peter Begley’s latest series of paintings – Cornices – with their recognizable glimpses of the boulevards and architecture of Haussmann’s Paris — is something of a surprise. During most of his artistic life, Begley has been a rigorously abstract painter (and sculptor) operating very much […]
Peter Filkins on Cornices
Since the birth of modernism, the city has been a subject of fascination for artist and poet alike. The embodiment of modernity’s technological wonders, a magnet for the multifarious and multiethnic, the city is home to both permanence and flux. One can find oneself and lose oneself in cities, sometimes in the same moment. Who […]
Peter Filkins essay
Peter H. Begley’s new series of paintings explores the tension between the actual and the possible that has been at the heart of his work all along. Building upon the patterned embodiment of his earlier abstractions, these latest works launch themselves into new territory – a dialogue with the figurative that, in its departure, anchors […]
Leonora Vega Essay
Some places, for cultural, economic or political reasons, are transformed into products of fear. Fear as imposition and domination in a subterranean channel of communication; fear as an exterminating demon of cultures, fear as an explosive factor that leads us to shattering anguish; fear imposed by dictatorial law that disconnects us from the cultural world […]