Peter H. Begley
Peter H. Begley was born in Boston in 1958. He was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, the University of Virginia and the New York Studio School.
His work is to be found in public and private collections in Europe and the United States. After many years in Rome, Peter Begley now lives in Paris.
Welcome to the NEW site!
I have started a new series: The Birch Stand. Spring-like in the dead of winter!
There will be a show this spring of the Birch Stand paintings at the Yarrow Gallery in Oundle, UK.
If you wish to contact me please use the form at the bottom of the page,
Peter Begley
I have always worked in series. When I stumble upon a subject for one painting it usually means dozens of paintings and months of work exploring that one idea and its ramifications. In the paintings shown here, there are several distinct sets of works, each set building on the preceding one but each with its own point of departure.
The story of the origin of each of these series is simple and perhaps even too simple, banal, in a word. Of course, it only represents a sudden intuition, a spark that sets off the creative process and signals the beginning of the real work.
And this work consists of building a painting with successive layers of acrylic, oil, and wax. All of this on sheets of rice paper using brushes, knives, spatulas, and rags. Perhaps a complicated technique but one that has gradually evolved, one step forward, one step back, over the years.

Scrub Oak

Birch Stand





I started out as a sculptor and have only slowly evolved into a painter. I usually worked using study materials: clay, plaster, or wax and then had the work cast in bronze.
These works represent the beginning of my artistic path.
Chloë Ashby
Peter Begley: Birch Stands It began with an accident. Peter and his family were skiing in Chamonix when his knee started playing up. He decided
Artist’s Statement
I have always worked in series. When I stumble upon a subject for one painting it invariably means dozens of paintings and months of work exploring
Alexander Stille on Cornices
For those who have followed his career from the beginning, Peter Begley’s latest series of paintings – Cornices – with their recognizable glimpses of the boulevards
Please feel free to contact me about the work using this form.